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发布时间:2022-11-17 12:17:49   作者:一饮茶尽   来源:网友上传   我要投稿

  在中德建交50周年之际,德国总理朔尔茨11月4日率团访华。德国前国防部长鲁道夫·沙尔平 (Rudolf Scharping) 日前为中国日报中国观察智库撰写署名文章称,过去50年来,中德关系虽经历过波折,但总体是成功的。在当前多重全球性挑战面前,尤其是乌克兰危机背景下,各国应切实行动,加强合作,担负起促进世界和平与发展的共同责任。


  Great geographical distances, different cultures and experiences, even fundamental differences in political and legal systems should be understood as a challenge and thus an invitation to talk.

  China and Germany have practiced this successfully over the last 50 years. Of course, there have been and still are very difficult phases and massive setbacks. But the course of understanding, exchange and deepening of relations has been successful for both countries.


  Five decades of cooperation between China and Germany are an excellent reason to praise the progress while asking how we can use and build on this experience in the future. Our two countries have several things in common, can accomplish much, but face great challenges.


  Global challenges do not ask for differences in political systems. Global challenges require joint responses from all countries and economies; they require contributions of sciences, social organizations and citizens. For years, the challenge of climate change has become increasingly urgent. China and Germany are moving toward a common goal: China wants to be climate neutral before 2060, Germany by 2045. China is a leader in the expansion of renewable energies. We should jointly consider whether it is possible to make even faster progress — in our countries and in cooperation with other countries, including those on other continents.


  Both our nations and peoples are struggling with the ongoing climate change which threatens food and agriculture, economy, cities and everything. I hope that we could better share and make use of our scientific knowledge, innovative competence and economic strength in order to contribute jointly to a better world.


  China and Germany are solid advocates for the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. The meeting of President Xi and Chancellor Olaf Scholz was decisive to strengthen mutual trust, deepen the understanding of both countries and their respective politics to create a promising perspective for both nations in a more peaceful world.


  All of these challenges highlight how vulnerable our world is. The hope is that responsible and decisive political leadership will strengthen global cooperation. Germany and China, Europe and China are indispensable for this.
