Have you guys realize how jealous we are in China about u can go and see a real game on weekend

I am an ordinary basketball fan in China, and every time I saw someone post a video in the arena with thousands of people sceaming I feel jealous. My biggest dream is that one day I can save enough money so that I can afford the trip to America for several games. Even tho I fail to accomplish that I will always dream on, because people gonna have faith and mine is go and see LeBron himself even for just one time.
[–]KR9SG 955 指標 14小時前
Guys, I'm from Sweden and our basketball culture is crap. It is hard to find someone who knows anything bout the NBA at all. The biggest basketball star we've ever had is Jerebko.. And the biggest basketball event we've had is probably Scottie Pippen signing like a 2-game contract with a Swedish basketball team.
[–][LAL] Kobe BryantAvrupaFatihi 112 指標 12小時前
My man, how the hell are you gonna come up here and say that the swedish basketball culture is crap, saying Pippen is the biggest thing that happend when we had Magic? They even named the team Magic...
[–]Celticssilverpaw1786 660 指標 8小時前
I'm from the USA and the biggest basketball star we've ever had is Jerebko. I'm not sure I understand the problem.
[–][DEN] Jalen Rosefatfro 52 指標 10小時前
lol, norwegian here and the only guy we had in the league was a backup center for the clippers in the late 80s
[–][PHI] Ben Simmonscygodx 28 指標 6小時前
german here the only guy we had was this tall scrub who played for dallas
i think his name is maxi kleber
[–]BullsBlockOfTheYear 1095 指標 16小時前
Yeah as a european, im so jelaous that you can just come home after work and put on a game on the TV. We really have to plan when we can watch a game. And those early sunday games is GOLD for us.
[–]Trail Blazersjohnsom3 649 指標 13小時前
We feel the same way about soccer.. It sucks waking up at 4 am to watch a game on TV.
[–]BullsBlockOfTheYear 270 指標 13小時前
Yeah its brutal. A nice routine on the weekends is to drink so you can stay awake, and when the second half starts you are drunk as screaming on the TV.
[–]ariiza 83 指標 13小時前
Having lived in Canada before moving to the Middle East, I can tell you the number one thing I miss is going home from work, opening a beer and watching a game relaxed on the couch. Now the only live games I can catch are Sunday games.
[–][WAS] John Wallzeek215 55 指標 11小時前
I remember the days long before nbastreams existed where my only option to watch out of market NBA games was to stream low quality, super pixelated Chinese streams. You had to really know your players cause the only thing you could tell was their skin color, jersey color, and general height.
[–]rayuu21 375 指標 16小時前
No cause a lot of us americans arent appreciative enough for what we got
[–]Mavericksspicozi 116 指標 15小時前
It's the American way.
[–]icGutta 234 指標 11小時前*
Speak for yourself brother. I grew up on ramen noodles and Vienna sausage so I appreciate every single time I pay for a $13 hotdog at a Wizards game just to watch them be just good enough to not be considered bad. Haha
[–]harolillo 88 指標 8小時前
im from the Dominican Republic and that is my dream as well. I want to be a season ticket holder for any team, i do not care if it is the kings or the nets, i just want to go to every single game.
I have been to the states and have watched 4 NBA Games in total:
1st Game - 12/14/2004 - Indiana Pacers Vs Boston Celtics. I had an amazing experience for my first NBA game. i was watching Jermaine O′neal and Stephen Jackson practicing and when Stephen went to the tunnel we spoke for about 5 minutes and he was so nice to me. He played in the Dominican Republic for a brief time and he averaged 40+ points per game over here. The celtics won that game and Fred Jones did an amazing dunk that night on Raef Lafrentz.
2nd Game - 05/12/2011 - Chicago Bulls vs Atlanta Hawks. Game 6 of the Eastern conference Semi Finals. Josh Smith had a Crazy Alley oop, Boozer destroyed Horford and i saw MVP D-Rose. it was a Blowout but i saw 2 great teams for the first time. Fun Fact: that same day i was walking in downtown Atlanta and saw David Aldridge crossing the street, we shook hands and we spoke for a brief moment.
3rd Game - 11/25/2015 - New York Knicks vs Orlando Magic. 2 really bad teams, but i was happy to see Carmelo and Porzingis. Porzingis block on Oladipo was amazing and the Magic won that game from the start.
4th Game - 01/15/2018 - Golden State Warriors vs Cleveland Cavaliers. We drove 5+ hours in a snow storm just to see this game from rochester NYC to Cleveland, i was so hyped for this game. I saw many Hall of Famers in D-wade, Lebron, Curry, Durant, etc. Lebron had a great game but they GSW has way to much firepower. My favorite NBA player is Kevin Durant and he had a monster dunk on Lebron James, i almost left the building when i saw this. Curry even dunked on that game. it was an amazing experience that i cannot describe with words. This is one of the best memories of my life.
All of this were gifts from my family that live in the united states, and i am really thankful to all of them for this amazing gifts. i have so many memories i can share just because of this.
[–]CelticsAydenRozay 83 指標 16小時前
[译注1]此条是美国网友用中文写的,直译Nephew。这个梗的来源是某位黑人网友在Facebook上贴了一些比较不堪入目的内容,他的舅舅看到了,评论道“Delete this, nephew!”(大外甥,赶紧删了!)。现在Nephew这个词有很多指代意思,多用来形容灌水的网友。
[–]kiro20 197 指標 16小時前
CBA is pretty good for killing time on the weekends man. Tickets are cheap, you get Free AC plus I'll tell you from experience, watching Jimmer or Marshon Brooks style on people is almost as good as attending a Raptors game when Lebron is in town.
[–]Lakersdeon_ 62 指標 16小時前
raptors fans still not safe somehow... just wondering, I've been to a few nba games, how would they compare to cba games?
[–]kiro20 24 指標 15小時前
The atmosphere is pretty good but it depends on where you go I guess. I live in Shenzhen which has an arena that was built "like NBA scale" and sits about 18k, I've never seen it sell out a bball game but there are enough fans to give a solid experience. Other teams have older facilities and much smaller arenas so I can't speak for those. The level of play is obviously not very high but as I said, almost every team has one foreign superstar which makes it interesting
[–]MagicYungSnuggie 20 指標 8小時前
hey man if u wanna come watch the magic suck ass u can come stay on my couch
[–][PHI] Dario Saricjkmart 259 指標 16小時前
try live in hawaii my china bro. we don't get to see anyone either.
[–]leu[S] 699 指標 16小時前
sunshine beaches and bikini... what else can you ask for lol
[–][PHI] Dario Saricjkmart 544 指標 16小時前
watching nba games in person
[–][NOP] Anthony Davisdefeatedbycables 18 指標 8小時前
Fun story about Chinese hoops fans in the US.
A friend of mine went to a Pelicans game about 2 years back and was sitting in the row behind a bunch of Chinese nationals that were in town for a convention or something. He noticed a few of them were checking their phones constantly in between action, looking at how their favorite team(s)/player(s) were doing across the league. They were super pumped to be at a live NBA game.
Anywho, at one of the game breaks, out comes the Pelican mascot with the t-shirt cannon and starts shooting. My buddy (who is not that tall), gets a shirt shot at him and he reaches up and snags it out the air, arm fully stretched out, single handed.
The guys in front of him were awestruck, and were clapping and cheering for him so he decided "What the hell" and tossed the shirt to one of the guys. They went ballistic and kept thanking him over and over again.
TL;DR: Friend sat behind some Chinese dudes at a Pels game, noticed they were big hoops fans, caught a shirt, gave it to them, they were insanely grateful.
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