Livestreaming shows and hosts should be clearly classified, based on their content, as music, dance, singing, fitness or games, among other categories, according to the circular.
Livestreaming是live(读作 /la?v/)和streaming两个词的合成形式,这里的live是形容词,表示“现场的”,比如我们看春节晚会的时候,主持人就会说,这里是春晚直播现场,We are here at the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala;streaming最初被翻译成“流媒体”,其实就是在网络上播放音频或者视频文件,比如在线平台网飞(Netflix)就是一个TV and movie streaming platform(影视剧在线播放平台),而stream用作动词的时候,也可以用来表达“在线播放”,比如:Millions of videos are streamed every day on Youtube.(油管上每天播放的视频有数百万个)。那么把live和streaming结合在一起,就是在线播放现场的音频或视频,简而言之就是“直播”。
According to the circular, online show and livestreaming platforms should implement real-name management for their hosts and users keen on rewarding hosts. In addition, underage users and those who don't register with their real names should not be allowed to reward hosts秀场直播平台要对网络主播和“打赏”用户实行实名制管理。未实名制注册的用户不能打赏,未成年用户不能打赏。
在关于“打赏”的英文报道中,我们经常看到的表述是tip和reward。Tip的用法很多,之所以会被用来表示“打赏”,是因为tip用作动词和名词的时候,有一个意思是“(pay) a small amount of money to someone who has provided you with a service, in addition to the official payment and for their personal use”(在正常支付账单之外,给为你提供服务的人员支付的一小笔额外费用,供其个人使用),即“(付)小费”,比如:He gave the porter a tip/He tipped the porter(他给行李员付了小费)。而reward通常指“something (as money) given or offered in return for a service, good behavior, excellent work, etc.”(对接受的服务、良好的表现或者出色的工作等行为做出的奖赏、回报),也可以直接用作动词来表示“奖赏(某人)”,比如:The company rewarded him for his years of service with a grand farewell party and several presents(公司用一个盛大的派对和很多礼物回馈他多年的工作付出);Salespeople who are willing to work longer hours will receive significant rewards(主动加班的销售员会拿到丰厚的回报)。
The platforms should also put a cap on rewards given to hosts.
When a user's daily or monthly amount of reward reaches half the limit, the platform should send an alert. Users will be allowed to reward hosts after they confirm through a short messaging service, the circular said.The reward feature will be suspended for users whose daily or monthly limit is reached, it added.
It stated that the platforms should set a delayed arrival period for the reward, and if a host commits an illegal act, the platform should return the reward to the users.
直播经济 livestreaming economy
直播答题 livestreaming quiz
网红 online celebrity/influencer
粉丝经济 fan economy
网红带货 influencer marketing
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