--我们查询那些人所在的班级是编号为 1 的
select * from studio where exists(select cl_id from class where studio.cl_id=class.cl_id and class.cl_id=1)
--使用 not exists
select * from studio where not exists(select * from class where studio.cl_id=class.cl_id and class.cl_id=1) order by st_id
select st_name into class_3 from studio where cl_id=3
insert into class_3 select st_name from studio where cl_id=4
-----------------------sql 编程--------------
declare @max int;
set @max=1;
while @max<10
set @max=@max+1;--每次循环就给@max加1
print @max;
print '终于循环完了';